Adding a Digg button to your blog posts make it easy for you and your blog visitors to submit your blog posts to digg. This is a very efficient way of promoting your blog on social book marking sites. To learn how to use to promote your blog, click HERE. To add Digg button to your blogger blog, follow the following steps -
1. Register on and enter your blog address in the profile. It is important, not for adding this button, but for promoting your blog.
2. Log into your blogger account, go to your dashboard, click the Template tab, then Edit HTML.
3. Click on the "Expand Widget Template" check box.
4. Find this piece of code in your blog's HTML code -
2. Log into your blogger account, go to your dashboard, click the Template tab, then Edit HTML.
3. Click on the "Expand Widget Template" check box.
4. Find this piece of code in your blog's HTML code -
5. Now copy the code below in the box and paste it in place of the code mentioned in point 4 above.
6. This code will add a "Digg" button on the lower left hand side of your blog post in the end. Enjoy
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